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Exams & Results
Exam Boards Used
Pass Rate
Merit & Distinction
Students Taking Exams
We ask for our students to take the appropriate exams - not just as a level of success but to give our students the chance to understand the commitment and dedication behind playing to perfection. As a rule of thumb, if you can play it with your eyes closed, you know it!
Not only does it give a sense of achievement, but can be used towards secondary school application, college and university applications. Being a competent musician is a badge of honour of which our students should have to wear with pride!

ABRSM is the biggest exam board in the world! Focusing mostly on classical music, ABRSM gives a great understanding of a wide range of music. Currently used for violin, piano and theory, ABRSM have a proven track record to provide a great knowledge of music from classical to jazz.
Rock School
Specialising in contemporary and pop music, Rockschool are ground-breaking in their syllabus and structure of exams.
Rockschool appeals to the more contemporary student focusing more on chords, improvisation and listening techniques. At SNMS we use Rockschool for piano and drums!
RGT is a specialised branch of London College of Music. The Registered Guitar Tutors is an exam board made by guitarists, for guitarists.
Available for classical, electric and acoustic guitar, LCM are the best choice for guitarists in the making.
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